Tag Archives: New York Library

Spring Fever

Daylight’s Savings didn’t just bring the start of longer, light-filled days yesterday, it stirred a strong fervor for Spring in Charleston as it came with a lucky string of warm weather. You can see that wild look of impending summer freedom on everyone’s faces, their faraway eyes and smiles glimmering in the sun as they daydream of being on the road to some inspiring destination.

That being said, it only seems fitting that today is Jack Kerouac‘s birthday, famed beatnik and author of On the RoadSo with the wind blowing in our hair, we salute your free spirit and wish you a Happy Birthday, Mr. Kerouac.

Jack Kerouac & Neal Cassady, Cover, On the Road by Jack Kerouac

Like most artists and writers, Jack Kerouac kept an on-going notebook of ideas and sketches. We found this great link on Whitehouse Magazine, that shares some images from Kerouac’s notebooks (including his own book cover idea for On the Road) that were highlighted in the New York Public Library‘s 2007-08 exhibition, Beatific Soul: Jack Kerouac On the Road.

You can also read more about Jack Keroauc, his friend Neal Cassady and how the beat generation was inspired by Mambo music in the lastest issue of  Aperture Magazine.